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Re: The time I blew off tech

Subject: Re: The time I blew off tech
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:09:42 EDT
Fellow Wrench Twisters-

OK, I know this is a little late, but I just heard...

A buddy of mine (Ken) was working tech last weekend at the CSRG races at 
Thunderhill. Amidst all the grumping about tech, one Vee competitor was found 
to have a steering arm that was cracked about 99.99% of the way thru. After 
the competitor was denied a tech sticker, and the usual frenzy of "Where do I 
get this Fixed" settled down, the driver came up and thanked Ken profusely 
for probably saving his life as the piece would surely have parted with the 
result of no steering.

I admit to having my own problems with tech (usually of my own making <g>) 
but sometimes it all just works out the way it is supposed to.

Now if I could only convince them that bottle labeled "Nitrous" is really an 
          Nick of Nor Cal

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