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Re: Revive the spirit of Marlboro & Little LeMans

Subject: Re: Revive the spirit of Marlboro & Little LeMans
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 09:02:23 -0400
So the 20 odd years spent working in the shadow of the CN tower (which I can
see from my window as I write this), the 30 years (cumulative) spent living
in the GTA, and the 2 years living within 200 yards of Yonge and Bloor (the
centre of the universe) don't count anymore??!!!

Thanks be to all the gods - I'm *finally* no longer a Torontonian.  My goal
has been reached, I can die a happy man (at some far future time, 'natch...)

Cheers, Brian (who, now living in the country, personally chased down and
recaptured exactly two horsepower of escaped racing equipment Sunday night -
those things really are big and stupid - I like cars better for my racing...)

Besides, what can you possibly know about it - you're from the States!

At 10:46 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Brian Evans wrote:
>> It's "tranta" to you, correctimundo, dude
>> Brian
>> >
>> >Only those that live near "Tronna" would understand Brian's concern for
>> >correctness - or did that change to correctitude since I retired?
>> >
>> >Derek
>I've been gone (sweating at the Pittsburgh VGP) so I'm late tossing in my two
>cents (.5 US)
>Since Brian lives in Dundas ON, and Derek in Windsor ON, and I live in uptown
>Tranna, it's Tranna.
>T.O. between friends
>Mike in Tranna
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company

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