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Re: LRP TV Coverage

To: <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: LRP TV Coverage
From: "David Valone" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 14:17:10 -0500
>Redman's move on the Jag, on the last lap was dirty. He knew damn well the
>Jag was not going to cut in on his non vintage capri from the 70s with foot
>wide tires in the back. I do not know why they let that car on the track,
there >was nothing vintage about it.

I did not see this event, but the Capri has quite a bit of racing heritage.
Not the least of  which were several touring car championships in England in
the early '70's.

David Valone
Hardin, Montana
'73 Capri 2800

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