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Re: LRP TV Coverage

To:, owner-vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Re: LRP TV Coverage
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 22:39:54 EST
In a message dated 12/5/98 9:41:29 PM, wrote:

<<I was just curious as to  the general public opinion of ESPN2's coverage of
Lime Rock - >>

        I just think it is a shame that they could not use any of the footage 
the Saturday qualifying races when the weather was so nice.  I guess they
would need at least an hour and a half or two hours to do that.  
        Given the number of races they had to cover and still squeeze in some
interviews and coverage of the concours - that's a lot of material to fit into
one hour (or 50 minutes after you subtract comercial time).  Overall, I
thought they did a pretty good job except for that one silver Lotus Eleven
that got so much air time.  They could have used some of that time to show
some other cars.

        Doug Meis
        '67 Honda S800 (if you were really paying attention, you might have 
seen me
in the opening lap of the group G race)

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