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Re: LRP TV Coverage

Subject: Re: LRP TV Coverage
From: Jeff Snook <>
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 13:43:57 -0500
Hi Maura,

I have never been to Lime Rock, and don't think I have ever seen
a Vintage race on TV before, so I was excited to watch the
coverage, especially the ole Silver Bullet doing so well!  The
concours part was kinda a snooze, but it wasn't a bad way to
spend an hour Saturday afternoon.  Certainly better than watching
some of those "ball sports" that are forever on TV.

Jeff Snook
Battle of Britain Racing
Bowling Green, OH wrote:
> I was just curious as to  the general public opinion of ESPN2's coverage of
> Lime Rock -
> I know what I saw from the flag stations and from the paddock all weekend; the
> coverage could have been from another event I missed. Anyone else feel the
> same?
> Maura

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