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fitting a newcomer

To: "'vintage race list'" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: fitting a newcomer
From: Gavin Ivory <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 08:01:01 -0500
I'm new to this list and vintage racing, having waited too long! I'm just
starting my search for my first car [which must be funded by the sale of a
non-eligible TVR Taimar 5000 [5L Ford]. Not having huge amounts of time or
money, I'm leaning toward a purpose built car to minimize development work,
repairs, etc. And I'm not looking for "historically significant" or "museum
quality" or a "podium finisher". Just part-time fun on
a budget. I really want to consider Formula Ford, especially as they seem
plentiful in my area [Toronto].

I have too many questions ... but can a tall [6'3"] but skinny [170lbs] fit
into Formula Ford? Are pedals adjustable or movable? What else should I

All advice is much appreciated,
Gavin Ivory

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