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plug wires and distributor caps

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: plug wires and distributor caps
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 07:57:59 -0500
Read with interest Myles discussion of testing ignitions, particularly that
inductive systems create more energy than CD systems - I had thought the
opposite.  Bottom line is that if you don't have an ignition problem, then
better wires won't help.  If you do, then maybe they will, but they won't
get you *more* HP, they'll just let you get what you should have had all

My motor is a Ford 120E block based unit, with the carb's hung out over the
distributor.  I use a right angle cap of the really old style, where you
push the wire ends into the cap and run pointed screws into them from inside
the cap.  I wonder if there are alternatives, if I should worry - maybe this
style of cap is considered good, and what do others do when there is very
limited clearance for the distributor cap.  On my engine, the carbs are so
close that I can't take the cap off without rotating the whole distributor
to fiddle it off ( totally losing the timing while I'm at it).  I bought a
reasonable set of wires for it, and had to cut off the ends and shave down
the insulation to get them to fit into the cap holes.  Does anyone have any

Thanks, Brian.
Brian Evans
Director, Carrier Sales
UUNET, an MCI WorldCom Company
(416) 216 5111

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