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More on Flag Knowledge....

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: More on Flag Knowledge....
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 16:54:46 EST
To those who are left...

I must admit my initial reply made me sound like an asshole (yet again??).

However, I certainly DONT want to be on the same track with someone who
doesn't know what it is. 

A BASIC REQUIREMENT before getting behind the wheel of a racing car is knowing
what the flags mean.  The subtlety of that comment is made clear when racing
in Portland, where they have a special, "chicane closed" flag.  If you didn't
go to the driver's meeting to find out what that was all about, the
consequences were often serious, and/or dangerous.  And yes, there was always
somebody either too busy, too rich, or considered themselves too important to
bring themselves down to the level of the other drivers to take the time to
attend a driver's meeting and find out what was going on.

I joke about a lot of things, but NOT knowing the basic racing flags is NOT
one of them.  If the questioner was a spectator, excuse my rude behavior (see
above).  If the questioner is another vintage racer with a serious question,
god help us all.  There are some things you are expected to know

Is it time for turkey yet???

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus Cortina Mk1 #128

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