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vintage racing and aluminum interiors

To:, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: vintage racing and aluminum interiors
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 11:15:48 EDT
In a message dated 98-06-27 10:24:22 EDT, you write:

<< I'm new to the hobby and I'm trying to prepare an MGB for
 vintage racing and I would like to cover as much of the interior with
 aluminum as is practical. >>


Since your new to the hobby, you may have given yourself an out here for lots
of grief.  Depending on which  vintage group you run with, covering your
interior with aluminum is completely opposite to the basic concept of vintage
racing.  CSRG, for example, requires that interiors retain as much of their
original appearance as possible (i.e. door panels, instrument panels, etc.) so
as NOT to have the appearance of having been "gutted".  While installing an
aluminum firewall between the trunk or boot and the interior is desirable for
safety, "covering as much of the interior as possilbe" is not in the spirit of
vintage car preparation.

Before you spend a lot of time, effort and money doing this, you may want to
confer with those in the groups you plan to run with and gain an understanding
of what the philosophy of those vintage groups are, before you commit
yourself.  Frankly, its people coming to the sport with your way of thinking
that cause cars like MGBs (and others) not to be eligible in some groups of
vintage racing.   Low-budget, tricked-out, high volume production cars are not
what many forms of vintage racing is all about.  If you're not going to show
up with a faithfully restored car, prepared to the appropriate regs, then
perhaps vintage isn't where you should be....SCCA regionals, or some other
venue may be more in line with what you want to be doing.

I'd suggest you look into this more before leaping.....I'm sure this will stir
up some discussion among the list...

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus (w/original door panels, trim panels, headliner, instrument panel,
and seats) Cortina Mk1 #128

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