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Understanding wives (has two meanings!)

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Understanding wives (has two meanings!)
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 09:56:33 -0500
> > Automobiles and Understanding Wives, eh? Perhaps a start of another
> > thread.
>         Hope so!
>         And contrary to common automotive lore, Automobiles and
>         Understanding Wives is NOT an oxymoron.
>         They DO peacefully co-exist, given the right conditions.

My wife and I were introduced on a blind date by my brother (then
running a Porsche Dealership) and his current girlfriend (head of Shows
for Porsche-Audi), supposed to have been at the USGP at Watkins Glen in
1970, but since we missed each other,in NYC the next week. Her father's
garage was the home of many new Porsches being hidden from the press
before intro!
When I started vintage racing about ten years ago, I bought her a
membership in a riding club, so she returned to her old interest,
jumping horses. 
Now while I have three sportscars hiding in the garage, she has a horse.
And if you know anything about horses, you know that the time and $$$
required makes racing look easonable.
Makes for family harmony! And stimulates the economy....
Jim Hayes  Winchester, MA, USA    
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!

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