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Free Alfa Art winner.....

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Free Alfa Art winner.....
From: "Edwin Smith" <>
Date: 01 Dec 97 09:06:15 -0800
After much agonizing(coin toss) over the holiday to determine the Alfa Art
winner from the multitude(4) of entries...............TAAADAHHHHH........the
winner is Jim Hayes......

>Wel, lessee, that reminds me of my vanity plate I used to have "Y-ALFA",
>and the answer was:
>1. It was what I started with (and I'm racing the same car today.)
>2. I got a garage full of parts for them left over from 30 years ago.
>3. I know how to fix 'em.
>Regards, Jim
>('57 and '62 Alfa Spiders)

Jim, congrats......30 years of Alfas.....what a masochist.......please send
me your snail mail address and I'll get this off to you............and, a
hearty thank you to the other respondents.....


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