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Re: Vintage Racer Wanted

To: McElroy Metals <>
Subject: Re: Vintage Racer Wanted
From: (Steve Bush)
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 1996 08:29:45 -0800
McElroy Metals wrote:
> I am a new comer wanting to expand to the Vintage Curcuits and would like to
> purchase a relativly low cost racer to get my feet wet.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thomas Hogan

Test the water with the Vintage Racing Organization in your locality
before you get you feet wet. Some organizations are racing Formula V's,
probably the cheapest form of Vintage Racing. Other organizations all
your to prepare a "never raced before" production car for vintage racing
while others are more restrictive. 

RULE #1: Don't get involved with a car that can't be raced with you
local organization!

Let this forum know more about your local and you can get a wealth of
information right here.

Steve Bush

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