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Admin. Note

Subject: Admin. Note
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 09:23:57 -500
Gregory Petrolati writes:
[about quoting comments in his articles]

> On Tue, 5 Sep 1995, Simon Favre wrote:
> > We've been Trolled...    ;=)

Just a quick administrative note, to make sure everyone is up to speed on
this- I'm pretty sure Gregory is aware of the netiquette, but for anyone who
has missed it in the welcome, or some such, the general rule around here is
that what ever someone writes to these lists is subject too the usual
copyrights stuff. If you want to use something someone wrote, you must ask
them first.

Here's an excerpt from the Team.Net Web section on the issue:


Many people contribute to the lists, and the information archives. Where
possible, we try not to maintain unauthorized copyrighted materials. Likewise,
all materials here remain the property of the author(s), and can be assumed to
be copyrighted, whether specifically stated or not. 

Republishing or using postings from the list for commercial or other purposes
without permission of the author(s) may be a violation of various copyrights,
and is generally frowned upon. Most authors will be happy to provide
permission to have specific postings published as long as they are asked. 

It's common practice to use much of this material from the archives and
mailing list postings in club newsletters. This is usually fine, as long you
state the source, and authors are given credit for their work. It's also
desired to send a copy of that newsletter to the author when possible. 

Thanks folks- keep up the great discussions!
  /___  _  \    Roger Garnett            (
 /|   ||  \ \   Agricultural Economics  | The Wayward Sports Car Centre
| |___||  _  |  3 Warren Hall           |
| | \  |   | |  Cornell University      | 
 \|  \ |__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522          | Safety Fast!

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