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[TR] Re; TR6 convertible top questions

To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: [TR] Re; TR6 convertible top questions
From: Dave Murphy <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 14:40:43 -0500
Importance: Normal FILETIME=[ECA9E7E0:01D168F1]

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Peter=2C Its interesting that you don't have the same width shrinkage probl=
em that I have with my tops which spend about 2 days raised each year and r=
emain folded all winter. The length on my tops has stretched=2C so they are=
 easier to attach at the header rail than when new. I think stretching the =
length causes the width to shrink (Poisson's Ratio) as in an elastic band. =
Do you mostly keep your top raised?

<I have had two sunfast tops on my TR6=2C one for about 10 years=2C the cur=
rent one for about five.I have never had a real <shrinkage problem either s=
ide to side or front to back.  Over the years it will get slightly harder t=
o stretch up=2C but not <enough to really speak of.  These are Robbins' sun=
fast tops.  would not go back to vinyl.
<Peter Arakelian - '71 TR6=2C Daily Driver  <<The main complaint I have wit=
h both the original top and the Sunfast is that the tops attach to the velc=
ro on the folding <<side rails for only about 2 years before the width of t=
he top "shrinks" and becomes too narrow to even reach those side <<rails.=20
<<-Dave Murphy=2C Dearborn MI           =0A=

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<body class=3D'hmmessage'><div dir=3D'ltr'>=0A=
.hmmessage P=0A=
font-size: 12pt=3B=0A=
<div dir=3D"ltr">Peter=2C Its interesting that you don't have the same widt=
h shrinkage problem that I have with my tops which spend about 2 days raise=
d each year and&nbsp=3Bremain folded all winter. The length on my tops has =
stretched=2C so they are&nbsp=3Beasier to attach at the header rail than wh=
en new. I think stretching the length causes the width to shrink&nbsp=3B(Po=
isson's Ratio) as in an elastic band. Do you mostly keep your top raised?<b=
r><br>&lt=3BI have had two sunfast tops on my TR6=2C one for about 10 years=
=2C the current one for about five.I have never had a real &lt=3Bshrinkage =
problem either side to side or front to back.&nbsp=3B Over the years it wil=
l get slightly harder to stretch up=2C but not &lt=3Benough to really speak=
 of.&nbsp=3B These are Robbins' sunfast tops.&nbsp=3B would not go back to =
vinyl.<br>&lt=3BPeter Arakelian - '71 TR6=2C Daily Driver&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3B</=
div><div dir=3D"ltr">&lt=3B&lt=3BThe main complaint I have with both the or=
iginal top and the Sunfast is that the tops attach to the velcro on the fol=
ding &lt=3B&lt=3Bside rails for only about 2&nbsp=3Byears before the width =
of the top "shrinks" and becomes too narrow to even reach those side &lt=3B=
&lt=3Brails. <br>&lt=3B&lt=3B-Dave Murphy=2C Dearborn MI&nbsp=3B&nbsp=3B&nb=


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