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Re: [TR] stupidity

Subject: Re: [TR] stupidity
From: Dave <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2015 18:12:15 -0400
References: <00a101d0a3c2$e6a106c0$b3e31440$>

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No, no, no, stupid is being under it when it slips off the stands.  So far =
everything you did is repairable or replaceable.  Now's the time to get the=
 cool aluminium radiator you secretly wanted all along.



Dave Massey



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Uprichard <>
Subject: [TR] stupidity

So I had a car on 4 jack stands while I bled the brakes.  Jacked it up at t=
he front (removed stands) and then thought =E2=80=9CI should lower the back=
 first=E2=80=9D.  So I then jacked up the back and removed the stands.  Jac=
ks front and rear =E2=80=93 bad idea.  Car slipped off the front jack, hit =
the radiator and drove it up and into the front apron.
Sheer stupidity.
I was telling a friend who told me he was taking an engine out of a car and=
 didn=E2=80=99t have an engine lift.  So he borrowed his child=E2=80=99s sw=
ing and jerry-rigged a pulley.  The weight of the engine broke the swing st=
and and the engine fell down on the steering column, bending it beyond repa=
I am SURE no-one out there has ever done anything as stupid.  But if you ha=
ve, and sufficient time has elapsed to share it, I=E2=80=99d love to hear. =
 Misery loves company and repairing and repainting the front apron is going=
 to cost =E2=80=93 well, you know.
Andrew Uprichard


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<font color=3D'black' size=3D'4' face=3D'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><fon=
t size=3D"4">No, no, no, stupid is being under it when it slips off the sta=
nds.&nbsp; So far everything you did is repairable or replaceable.&nbsp; No=
w's the time to get the cool aluminium radiator you secretly </font><font s=
ize=3D"4">wanted all along.<br>
<div> <br>


<div> <br>


<div style=3D"clear:both"><font size=3D"4">Dave Massey</font><br>



<div> <br>


<div> <br>


<div style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black">-----=
Original Message-----<br>

From: Andrew Uprichard &lt;;<br>

Subject: [TR] stupidity<br>


<div id=3D"AOLMsgPart_1.2_aed6d4d1-ded3-445a-8655-6fd43d87a82e">
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dBody div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:11.0pt; f=
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on:underline;} .aolReplacedBody span.EmailStyle17 {mso-style-type:personal-=
compose; font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; color:wind=
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<div class=3D"WordSection1">

<div class=3D"MsoNormal">So I had a car on 4 jack stands while I bled the b=
rakes.&nbsp; Jacked it up at the front (removed stands) and then thought =
=E2=80=9CI should lower the back first=E2=80=9D.&nbsp; So I then jacked up =
the back and removed the stands.&nbsp; Jacks front and rear =E2=80=93 bad i=
dea.&nbsp; Car slipped off the front jack, hit the radiator and drove it up=
 and into the front apron.</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">Sheer stupidity.</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">I was telling a friend who told me he was taking a=
n engine out of a car and didn=E2=80=99t have an engine lift.&nbsp; So he b=
orrowed his child=E2=80=99s swing and jerry-rigged a pulley.&nbsp; The weig=
ht of the engine broke the swing stand and the engine fell down on the stee=
ring column, bending it beyond repair.</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">I am SURE no-one out there has ever done anything =
as stupid.&nbsp; But if you have, and sufficient time has elapsed to share =
it, I=E2=80=99d love to hear.&nbsp; Misery loves company and repairing and =
repainting the front apron is going to cost =E2=80=93 well, you know.</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">&nbsp;</div>


<div class=3D"MsoNormal">Andrew Uprichard</div>




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or: #000;background-color: #fff;">

<pre style=3D"font-size: 9pt;"><tt><a removedlink__edb3e781-10ff-4a5f-9547-=
4d736c281b2a__href=3D"" target=3D"_blank"></a>

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