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Re: [TR] Grease in the rear drum

To: "'TR3/6'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Grease in the rear drum
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2015 17:41:36 -0700
Thread-index: AdCgsV8qdF59Ni62Qxmk/LA0GHNGqwABpkkg
> Upon removing the drum I found that the brake shoes had 
> fallen off the carriers and were lying in the bottom of the 
> drum.  Apparently hot gear oil will dissolve the glue that 
> was used on the shoes.

That's actually interesting.  Many decades ago, a friend of mine with an MGA 
tried to clean his oil-soaked shoes in the ultrasonic
cleaner at work; and the linings fell off.  We just figured it was the "perk" 
(perchloroethylene) solvent, but maybe the gear oil
had something to do with it as well.

Between the two of us, we tried pretty much everything at one time or another.  
BBQ grille, propane torch, even soaking in solvent
and setting them on fire!  Some things appeared to work, but after a few hard 
stops it became impossible to lock up the rear wheels
any more.  Back then it didn't seem like such a big deal, but I'll admit my 
attitude towards brakes has changed over the years.  

Especially since now, it seems like I'm invisible to every SUV, pickup truck 
and minivan on the road.  Scarcely a month goes by that
someone doesn't drive through where I would have been, if I didn't cramp on the 

-- Randall  

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