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[TR] Aluminum radiators

Subject: [TR] Aluminum radiators
From: David Ljung Madison <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 17:58:36 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)
My TR3A is finally coming back together.  I have it at Greg Solow's
Engine Room in Santa Cruz (I believe he did TeriAnn's Triumph).

They are saying that the radiator doesn't have lots of flow and
are recommending switching to an aluminum radiator.  Somewhere
in storage I have a stock radiator in good shape that has the crank
hole (my current one doesn't).  I checked on ebay and the
prices of aluminum radiators vary massively - from $250 to $700.
Greg can get one that is good quality for ~$700.

So my options:

1) Use the current radiator, and don't go on the race track
2) Use the storage radiator so I have the starter crank hole again,
   which is amusing and can come in handy.
3) Buy the $250 aluminum on ebay
4) Buy the $700 aluminum via Greg

I know that if I use the radiator with the starter hole that
I lose something like 5% of my cooling, though the radiator
is probably cleaner than the original, so it's probably about
the same.

Does anyone kynow how to tell the difference between the
radiators on ebay?  Anyone buy one of these $250 aluminum radiators?

And any thoughts on the difference between aluminum and stock?

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