Thanks everyone. I put some oil in the cylinder and tested again and the
pressure went up to 100 psi, so it looks like it is probably rings. Should
I replace all of them at the same time, even if the rest test fine?
Is there still value in doing a leak-down? My local FLAPS doesn't have one
of those to borrow.
I think I will replace bearings too while I am at it since I detect a knock.
Once I am over my head technically I might as well go all the way p
appear to be two sets of bearings, the con rod beargings and the main
bearings, is one of these more likely to be the issue than the other?
Randall, I changed the headgasket probably 150 miles ago and the head at
least looked fine. The protrusion wasn't perfect, but good enough that the
head gasket replacement seems to have worked without the "ring of fire"
-----Original Message-----
From: Randall
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:00 AM
Cc: 'Triumph Discussion'
Subject: Re: [TR] 57 TR3 compression test results
> The head was rebuilt about 1,000 miles ago with hardened
> valve seats, new valves etc.
Likely it is fine, but I wouldn't assume anything. This head had less than
20,000 on new valves & hardened exhaust seats:
> There were cracks in the head
> that were fixed at the same time.
Danger danger, Will Robinson!
Or maybe a better phrase is "Trust, but verify".
Be sure to check liner protrusion on both sides, even if you don't change
the liners.
-- Randall
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