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Re: [TR] [6pack] Negative battery cable?

To: oliver <>
Subject: Re: [TR] [6pack] Negative battery cable?
From: Bud Rolofson <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:17:32 -0700
True, but only one each if you want to use the stock ground cable  
correctly.  The grounding point holes on the cable line up with the  
intended bolts on the firewall and bell housing.  It wasn't done willy  
nilly at the factory... there was obviously a plan when they  
manufactured the cables and I'm guessing they might have also figured  
out there was a few thousand other possible grounding options but  
chose the two they did for good reason.

Bud Rolofson

71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
66TR4A CTC57806 (The Wreck-Almost parts)
66TR4A CTC57529 (The Project)
71F-250 Camper Special (Triumph Support Vehicle)
Z-50A Hardly Davidson 1977 Honda Mini-Trail Bike (Triumph Pit Bike)

On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:32 AM, oliver wrote:

> there are lots of places you can put a ground cable, and can tie the  
> body to the engine/tranny.
> I'm doing another car right now and there are more grounds than a  
> starbucks on it
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Bud Rolofson" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:11 AM
> To: "Sally or Dick Taylor" <>
> Cc: <>; <>; "Grant  
> Kester" <>
> Subject: Re: [TR] [6pack] Negative battery cable?
>> Dick,
>> That would be a lot easier.
>> I can honestly say that for me getting the battery ground cable  
>> bolted  to the body and bell housing was the hardest thing I've  
>> ever done on  my 6. What I thought was going to be a 20 minute job  
>> (traditional  long braided cable) turned into hours because of the  
>> tight access for  both the bolt and the nut.  I must have spent an  
>> hour figuring out how  to hold both in place AND having the right  
>> tools to actually pull them  together.  And then I could only turn  
>> it about 1/8 each time.  I  invented swear words that night.  I  
>> deserved it though since I was  fixing something that didn't need  
>> fixing.  I simply wanted to go from  a flat braided cable to the  
>> correct round braided cable.
>> If anyone ever has their engine out make a note to yourself to put  
>> the battery ground cable on the housing before it goes back in.  In  
>> my darkest hour it occurred to me that I might have to pull the  
>> engine to get the battery cable on right... thankfully that passed  
>> and saner moments prevailed.  I could have picked an easier bolt  
>> but I didn't  want the cable twisted around potentially rubbing  
>> things and of course  the hole on the bottom of the cable lined up  
>> perfectly with the bolt  from hell so the die was cast.
>> Bud Rolofson
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