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[TR] Wire Wheel Question

To:, Triumphs <>
Subject: [TR] Wire Wheel Question
From: William Brewer <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 11:57:39 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Alex,
     I bought a used set on MOSS Dunlops (made in India) from a lister. The
wheels were low miles and still had the stickers on them. I put them on used
apparently good hubs. Everything was great at first, but within 20,000 miles
the wheels were out of round and clunking on the hubs. I also broke two
     I recently bought some Dayton SS wire wheels from British Wire Wheel in
Fresno. They  came with Vredestein tires properly mounted and balanced. I love
the package. It was pricey, but you get what you pay for. No complaints with
how it all turned out. I also mounted them on new hubs using Copaslip
antisieze as they recommended. No tubes were needed. This was definitely the
way to go for me.
    Good Luck,

     Bill Brewer
     Tehachapi, CA

Original Message
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 15:19:03 -0400
From: Alexander Delis <>
Subject: [TR] Wire Wheel Question
Message-ID: <p06240800c4c4ecf2d139@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Hello all.

I am thinking about getting a new set of wire wheels to replace the
old and tired ones on my TR3.

The two player are the Dunlop and the Dayton. I want the 60 spoke painted.

I have had people tell me that the Daytons are superior to the
Dunlop, but the were not able to tell me why; I have had people tell
me there is no difference in quality between the two.

I can get a much better deal on the Dunlops than I can on the Daytons.

What is the consensus of the list?



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