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Re: [TR] Moron valve adjusting

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Moron valve adjusting
From: "Wayne Lee" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:06:10 -0400
Hi Peter,
    Glad there are other Landie victims out there. Good technique you
mention, and a very common one too. That still works on a running engine as 
well. You won't be able to slide a feeler blade into a lesser gap while 
running. I haven't had to chase down any tappet noises on my Landies with 
the Cover off yet, so I haven't had the pleasure. Plus they have a hot and 
cold clearance, if I remember correctly.
      My TR6 was the first time in a long time I did it because although I 
had a narrow blade feeler gauge, the stem recessed into the rocker enough to 
give me a false reading. I started it up and had one distinct noisy tappet. 
I changed out the Rocker Shaft first too, with a new genuine made in India 
example before adjusting them. It was pretty noisy before I started, that's 
why I went for the Aux Oil Feed while I was at it, guess I fell for the 
hype, but I did set it up so it can be shut off.
Are your Landies of the Series persuasion still?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter C" <>
To: "Triumph List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [TR] More on valve adjusting

> Wayne,
>         I have a few Landies myself, btw.
>         I have been most successful by using a Go-NoGo technique.
>          If the clearance should be .015" then a .014: will "Go" and
> a .016" will "No-Go".  Eliminates the "feel" factor.  First engine I
> ever tried adjusting running was my 60 109 and I looked like an
> Alaskan seal after the Valdez. Never again, and no need to,
>         Peter C.
> =====================
> At 01:04 PM 8/28/2007, Wayne Lee wrote:
>>I too have been adjusting valves with the engine running for years, though
>>mostly as a secondary process after the static settings retained a noisy
>>clearance somewhere.
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