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[TR] Electrical troubleshooting help

To:, "triumphs list" <>
Subject: [TR] Electrical troubleshooting help
From: "Tomislav Marincic" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 18:14:48 -0400
Randall and Jim,

Thanks for the help, I must be missing a digest;I had to go to the archive to 
see your replies.

What I finally did, at my father's suggestion, was to switch my charger to 6 
Volts (1/2 the voltage, 1/2 the amps for a given resistance), then warm the DC 
motor up by running it for a bit at that setting. Once it was warm, it ran at 
12V without any difficulty. Hopefully, when I have a battery in place I won't 
have this problem. I'm reluctant to buy one now, since my car won't be 
roadworthy for a year, but I may have to so I can test circuits properly while 
everything is so accessible.

Thanks again to the list, and particularly to Randall for his informative posts.

Cheers, Tom Marincic

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