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Re: [TR] Miatas

To: "Terry Smith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Miatas
From: John Wise <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 18:00:59 -0700
At 8:07 PM -0400 6/6/06, Terry Smith wrote:
>As a slightly different wrinkle, I agree with the one who said that 
>the part of love for these LBC's is paying the dues to keep them on 
>the road.  My own '59 TR3A frame off has been three years of dues 
>paying.  Uhm, and paying by check too....
>Anywy, my son is 12 years old, getting interested in cars, and wants 
>my TR3A "when you die."  I'm just over 50, so to him that means 
>soon.  He's helped me after a fashion, and is getting interested in 
>cars for when he can drive.
>What kind of sports car that is contemporary today would be good for 
>him to start with, one that doesn't require a lot of maintenance 
>now, when he doesn't have the skills or time for it, but which later 
>he can look back to as a fun car he'd like to have again when he 
>gets to be my (our) age?  As much as I love my TR3A, I doubt it will 
>be much good in another 40 years.

In the 90's my kids (and I) had a rubber bumper Midget and a rubber bumper MGB

Now days for an 18 year old I would go for a Miata (reliability & 
safety) or a rubber bumper MGB (fun).  For a 20 something I would go 
for a normally aspirated Porsche 944 (fast and fun).


John A. Wise
Glendale, AZ


1960 Triumph TR3A
Commission No: TS80422L

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