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Re: ebay liars?

To: Paul Dorsey <>
Subject: Re: ebay liars?
From: Don Malling <>
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 09:16:38 -0400
Paul Dorsey wrote:
> Jack and Don,
> What kind of 'paper trail or digital paper trail' does one need to show
> either Paypal, Visa, MC in order to get a reimbursement?  How many
> unsuccessful attempts to contact the jerk seller does one need to make?  Is
> it a total hassle and not worth it for an item under $25?
> Paul
> ----- Original Message ----- 

In my experience, no agreement/contact/comment from the seller is required. 
Just explain your case 
and be able to prove you returned the merchandise.

I once returned an item for which I paid $15. It was a waste of time and money, 
but I was irritated 
with the guy and wanted to make a point. Cost me $8.00 to return the item to 
him plus the original 
shipping cost. Probably best to just resell it on ebay and let the buyer pay 
the shipping.

Don Malling

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