Hi Dave,
I don't know if that's a standard size "freeze plug" or not, but the Moss
item I got some years ago was fine. I imagine it would be pretty easy to make
one from a larger standard size, if absolutely necessary.
In the competition preparation manual, Kas Kastner strongly recommends
using epoxy to secure these plugs in place. I get the impression this is
primarily a precaution, not because there were reoccuring problems. It would be
rather messy disaster if one ever blew out!
Are you having the block tanked and very thoroughly cleaned out, while
it's apart and before the new cam bearings are installed? That can really help
insure maximum possble coolant circulation and proper oil flow when the engine
is back together and up and running.
If that's the inner bracket on the frame, it's not surprising there is
some damage. The originals are weak. Good thing you are rehabing the frame and
fixing the problems. Be sure to thoroughly reinforce all of those inner
mounting brackets while the frame is bare. The method is described in the
prep manual and elsewhere. Several of the vendors sell reinforcing kits.
If you don't have them, Roger William's books "Restoring TR4..." and
"Improving TR..." are highly recommended for their many ideas and illustrations
to strengthen the various TR frames. One thing I like to do on these frames
is beef up those cross tubes in the rear, and at the body mounting outriggers.
I drive close-fitted pipes inside, then secure the pipes in place with a
series of plug welds along the tubes plus welds at the ends. It adds a little
weight, but a lot of strength.
Alan Myers
San Jose, Calif.
'62 TR4CT17602L
I just about have my TR4A engine ready to assemble but I forgot one part. I
need a new "Cam Plug" for the block. I was hoping my machinist would have
one but it must be an unusual size so I ordered one from Moss tonight. Has
anybody had any experience with Moss's version?
.... One of the front lower wishbone brackets on the
driver side is all bent to hell also.. Oh, Well.