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Temperature Sensor

Subject: Temperature Sensor
From: Eduard Tieseler <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 09:16:12 -0700 (PDT)
Hello List,

As some of you may remember, I was having some issues
with the temperature sensor not reading properly.  I
found out that I have the wrong sensor, I am using one
from a '69 Spitfire as that is what the engine is
from, and not from a '66 Herald, which is what the
remainder of the car is.  So, I attempted to pull the
temp sensor off the original engine which is sitting
in my parents shop, and low and behold the tab to
connect the wire popped off and shot across the shop,
rendering the sensor useless to me....

I know there are some suppliers of Herald parts on
this list, so please contact me off the list as I need
to order a few miscellaneous parts:  One of course is
the temp sensor, and I also need that little rubber
bushing that goes under the shifter.  Its hard to
explain, I'm sure some of you know what I am talking
about.  It keeps the shifter lifted slightly and keeps
it from vibrating causing a rather annoying
metal-on-metal sound.

Thanks in advance!

Eduard Tieseler
'66 Herald

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