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RE: Re. Flyback Handbrake

To: "Triumph TR3A" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Re. Flyback Handbrake
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 14:37:29 -0800
> Well..........I'm ready to admit that I don't know what the term "flyoff"
> means although I think that type of handbrake is what I  have on
> my 58 TR3A.
> Anyone care to enlighten me on this?

For the "flyoff" type, you hold the button down to set the brake.  That
means when it comes time to release it, you can just sort of slap the lever
(enough to release the pawl) and let it "fly off" while you attend to other
matters like getting the gearbox in 1st and letting out the clutch.  There
used to a popular kind of race where you start out with the handbrake set
and the driver standing beside the car; the flyoff brake shaved a precious
half-second or so from the time to get moving.  It also ensures that you
don't drive off with the brake half-set.

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