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RE: over heating

To: "Randall" <>
Subject: RE: over heating
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 14:01:14 -0500
Cc: "TR" <>
Yes, I remember that.  I'm pretty sure my 1959 Morris Minor van's points had
the wiper, (unless I am thinking of my 1948 MM Saloon), but I don't remember
if my 1966 Hillman Imp did.  After all, it was the 60s and my memory is a
little hazy...

As for the '59 Ford Prefect I owned for one weekend, I didn't even look at
the points because the whining differential was taking all of my attention!

Michael Marr
Naperville, IL
1960 TR3A

> little felt wiper that ran against the point cam and that was
> supposed to be
> oiled occasionally.  Does anyone else remember the felt ?  Or know when it
> was deleted ?
> Randall

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