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Re: over heating

To: ("Michael D. Porter"), (Randall)
Subject: Re: over heating
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 09:32:13 -0400
Cc: (TR)
In a message dated 7/28/2004 2:02:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Michael D. 
Porter" <> writes:

>One has to, at some time, accept that technology has progressed 
>beyond the entirely mechanical. But, for those who haven't, the old 
>rules apply. Grease the rubbing block.


Michael, I've long accepted that technology has, er, "progressed"! Doesn't mean 
I have to embrace it, though! :)

I do still lubricate the appropriate spots in my Lucas points distributor, 
occasionally while listening to tunes wafting from the speaker of my 1951 
Zenith AM/FM tube radio.

Oh, and dare I say it? In a few instances, I've successfully reset contact 
points on the side of the road using either "eyeball" measurement or a 
matchbook cover as a feeler gauge. (Oh, and my dad's old Swiss Army Knife, 
still the best tool I have for repairs!)

--Andy Mace

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