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RE: TR4 lack of power at speed

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR4 lack of power at speed
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 19:52:36 -0700
> Converted to electronic long ago, timing seems to be fine, when I rev the
> engine the timing does move as expected so I assume advance moves.  Runs
> fine until I put it in gear to drive then it hesitates and missfires.

If the problem starts immediately, then most likely it is an ignition
problem.  Fuel delivery problems generally take a few seconds to manifest,
while the bowls empty, unless the problem is between the bowl and the carb
throat (like a broken diaphragm or something).

I am pretty sour on Crane and Allison type ignitions even though I'm running
one of each ... my next step would probably be to put the points back in and
troubleshoot from there.  You didn't by any chance change the rotor ?


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