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idling difficulties

Subject: idling difficulties
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:20:40 EDT
Once again I ask for your collective wisdom:
I have a 74 tr6 which is having difficulty with the idling speed.
We have eliminated stuck linkages or gas pedal.  Once you start the  car with 
the choke, it revs at 2200 with the choke approximately 3/4 pulled  out.
After a five minute warm up period, if you pull the choke out the idle  speed 
will reduce to 1500 but if you put the choke in, the idle revs upward and  
stays close to 3000rpm.
I have had this difficulty intermittently, especially after driving for a  
morning, turning the car off for a couple of hours then restarting.  In the  
past, if I applied some gas and rev up the engine a bit, the rpms would reduce  
to normal, but lately, the engine will 'race' when in neutral and I can drive  
nearly 45mph in third without the foot on the gas peddle.  Very dangerous  as 
the brakes are working very hard against the engine to stop.  I hesitate  to 
put it into neutral because sometimes the engine will rev up to 4000+.
I have kept the 6 in the garage.
At first the remedy seemed to be adding the fluid to the top of the carbs,  
one carb seems to need more than the other and some evidence of leakage in  
vacuum hose on the carb that needs more.  But this week adding fluid did  not 
result in any change in the reving difficulty.
Any assistance in this issue would be greatly appreciated in advance.
cheers and enjoy the summer.
74 tr6

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