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RE: Driveshaft U-Joints

To: <>
Subject: RE: Driveshaft U-Joints
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 07:05:40 -0700
>          Last night I replaced the U-joints in my TR-6 driveshaft.
>          It was a struggle even with a U-joint press. They went
> in but with the result is
> that when moving the u-joint back and forth it appear very tight
> and requires some extra
> pressure. Does anyone have any experience with how tight or loose
> the u-joint should feel
> or move.The part is from the Roadster Factory, package label GMB
> made in Japan.
> Would like to hear from anyone who has done this job.

Shouldn't be a struggle to install them, nor take any force to move them
once installed.

One possibility is that one of the bearing rollers fell out of place, and is
trapped between the cross and the bearing cap.

I'm running several of the GMB U-joints from TRF, and they seem to fit, and
work, fine.


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