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Re: We've returned from London-Smart car

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: We've returned from London-Smart car
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 22:41:32 -0500
References: <>
I saw a lot of the SMART cars in the UK this spring, and a few of the
roadsters.  The roadsters *look* really nice.  Stopped at a place in south
London that modifies them and got to see one with the bodywork partly
removed.  Pretty much a go kart or maybe a golf cart with a nice plastic
body!  But these look really fun.  Reminds me of the Lotus Elise, but at 1/4
the price (and yeah, a lot slower too).

A while back I downloaded three short Quick-time movies of advertisements
for these. I've put them here is you want to download:  (Warning - this is a
pretty slow server..):  (5.6 MB) (7.57 MB) (4.86 MB)

(note the capital "D" - it's case-sensitive)

 - Lee

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