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RE: pertronix ignitor ignition

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: RE: pertronix ignitor ignition
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:36:08 -0700
> Maybe it gets roasted if we leave the ignition on too long without the
> engine running.

There is a specific warning against that in their installation instructions
... note that unlike car engines, overheating electronics tends to be
cumulative and shorten their life, possibly leading to "random" failures.

> So, maybe we should avoid the pertronix units?

Aw Jeez, and give up that wonderful reliability ???

Not trade in our points that have to be adjusted every few years but always
get you home, for something that fails at the worst possible time and cannot
be repaired when it does ?

Don't know how I could live like that !


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