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RE: pertronix ignitor ignition

Subject: RE: pertronix ignitor ignition
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 14:16:46 -0500
I installed a Pertronix in conjunction with a Lucas Sport coil. I was then
told by one dealer that he had a Pertronix memo stating specifically that
the Sport coil should not be used with it. However, the Sport coil seems to
have the correct resistance etc. It does put out a bit higher voltage than
the Pertronix coil though. Since I never found anything to substantiate the
dealers claim and he seemed unable or unwilling to fax me a copy of the
memo, I left it on. After a drivers school and 4 vintage races, no problem
so far. I see a lot of other people using the combination as well. Anyone
know anything about this as shortening the life of the Pertronix?


-----Original Message-----
From spamiam at [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:57 PM
Subject: pertronix ignitor ignition

Well, I just read another report here on the list of yet another pertronix
ignition unit failing.  

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