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Re: Front Wheel Bearing Squeal

To: "Triumphs List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: Front Wheel Bearing Squeal
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 08:53:41 -0400
References: <>
> My TR wheel bearings have developed a nasty habit of making squealing
> noises at low speeds.

My 59 TR3 was making a squealing noise a while back, and I couldn't tell
where the noise was coming from, so I ignored it for several weeks.
Eventually I found out - the front left wheel bearing disintigrated at
speed, causing the wheel to point a funny direction and breaking the
caliper. The car came to a sudden stop, but no real damage.  I replaced the
upright (the stub axle was pretty much ruined) and the caliper with bits
from a parts car, and I'm back on the road. Although the alignment seems a
little off.

Funny thing is it happened while I was trying to get home without the
clutch, which had failed a few miles earlier. I had the transmission out and
the clutch apart looking for the problem (I'm not too bright some times) and
ultimately determined that the spring in the master cylinder had broken into
several pieces. I should have paid more attention to Randall. Now there's a
noise coming from the direction of the clutch.

Anyway, I will pay more attention to unidentified noises in future.

Don Knudsen
'59 TR3A

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