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Front Wheel Bearing Squeal

To: John & Patricia Donnelly <>
Subject: Front Wheel Bearing Squeal
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 17:22:45 -0400
Cc: "Triumphs List (E-mail)" <> i54LPUgs019741
Message text written by John & Patricia Donnelly
>My TR wheel bearings have developed a nasty habit of making squealing 
noises at low speeds. Light pressure to the brakes eliminates the squeal, 
as does turning corners. Once over 35 MPH the squeal goes away.

That ain't your bearin's, that's your brake pads a-squeelin'.  I had the
problem with my MG many years ago adn found that if I hosed off the rotors
thuroughly the noise would go away.  Cheap and easy.  Try it first.  After
that doesn't work you might try fitting anti-squeel shims.  If you already
have anti-squeel shims you might try the antisqueel goo.

If none of that works, turn up the radio.


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