> I decided to drlve the TR3 to work today. My daughter wanted me to drop
> her off at school to take advantage of the "cool factor". Well, as I was
> waiting at the llght to leave the school, the car stalled. (Hopefully
> she dldn't lose too much of her entrance.) Then I reallzed that I had no
> power to anythlng -- no llghts, horn, dash indicators, or starter. A
> frlend happened to stop by and we pushed it lnto the parking lot. I had
> to get to work so I will get back to lt thls afternoon. Any qulck
> suggestlons?
Are the battery connections clean & tight ? I'd R&R them, just to be sure.
What about where the ground strap attaches to the body ? Paint does not
conduct, there needs to be bare metal under the strap.
Take a test lamp with you, start at directly across the battery posts. If
there's no juice there, your battery is dead (broken internally perhaps).
Next try between the engine block and the upper post on the starter
solenoid. If you find power there, try turning on the headlights and check