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RE: Oil Cleaners

To: <>
Subject: RE: Oil Cleaners
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:03:30 -0700
> While we're on the topic of oil, what's the value, if any, of
> those additives
> that promise to clean sludge and muck from the oil system?  Good
> deal or bad news?

Bill, IMO the only time you should use such additives is if the only
alternative is tearing the engine down.  They may be useful in whipping the
last mile out of a tired old engine, but have no place in a healthy one.

Of course, even with a tired old engine, they may do more harm than good ...
cf my previous post about what Rislone did to my old Chevy.

However, for engines like the TR2-6 that have rocker shafts, I do recommend
removing and cleaning the shaft every 50,000 miles or so.  Depending on what
oil you use, the interior of the shaft may fill up with sludge, preventing
proper oil flow to the rockers.  Removing and cleaning the shaft is easy
enough, adds less than an hour to setting the valves.


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