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Re: Oil Cleaners

To: "List" <>
Subject: Re: Oil Cleaners
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 23:12:27 +0100
References: <>
Hi Randall
On the contrary, I think that there are times when they have their uses, but
only in a sound engine. As you stated, the rocker shafts are prone to being
starved of oil, and in my experience one of the main causes of this is the 3
interconnecting drillings in the head, the one up from the block face, the
one down from the rocker pedestal and the cross hole with the plug in which
joins up the other two, providing it hasn't got to the blocked stage, a
preventative flush can keep these holes open a lot easier than pulling the
I use one called Gold Eagle 5 minute flush. The sludge that was shifted was
After use I drained the pan, removed the oil cooler and drained that, fished
an old (3000 mile) filter out of the bin I throw all my old re boxed filters
for proper disposal whatever that is, and refitted it, re filled the engine
with a gallon of cheapy and ran for a short run, then drained and refilled
with new quality oil and a new filter.
I think if an engine was tired and seals a bit iffy a flush would leave all
sorts of problems, not least oil from the seals where the gum was part of
the sealing mechanism!

Each to their own eh!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Randall Young"

Subject: RE: Oil Cleaners

> Bill, IMO the only time you should use such additives is if the only
> alternative is tearing the engine down.  They may be useful in whipping
> last mile out of a tired old engine, but have no place in a healthy one.
> Randall

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