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RE: TRF's Expensive Shipping

To: "Kai M. Radicke" <>,
Subject: RE: TRF's Expensive Shipping
From: Mike Himelfarb <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:27:01 -0500
Thread-index: AcQR9NYRTcuGFbkzRlurURrkJhJHaQAf/SNg
Thread-topic: TRF's Expensive Shipping
Agreed, although I'm buying a low-cost fender that had already been
returned to them damaged in transit!  They offered me two shipping
choices, UPS for $85 and "their" truck carrier for $114.  I have another
fender coming from FL to NY in a bike box and shipping is only $40.

I'm thinking it will be a nice time of year for a drive to PA :-(

Mike Himelfarb
Director, Production Services Quality
Information Technology Department
Shoppers Drug Mart
(416) 490-2754

-----Original Message-----
From: Kai M. Radicke [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:17 PM
To: Mike Himelfarb;
Subject: Re: TRF's Expensive Shipping

I will have to stick up for TRF here.  The packaging is not TRF's fault,
no other parts supplier would ship it in a bicycle box unless that
supplier likes shipping the same part twice (and doing it right the
second time around).

1)    UPS insurance does not apply if the packaging is found not to meet
standards when an item is damaged.

2)    If UPS doesn't pay, TRF would have to eat the cost and still send
another fender out in the larger package.

Ask TRF to use R&L Carriers, or at least get a competitive freight
quote.  A TR6 fender from Michigan to PA cost me $76 via R&L, and that
is quite a longer ride than PA to NY State.

My fender from Michigan came in an 8ft box as well... and I send all the
fenders I send out in oversized boxes, either via FedEx, ForwardAir or
truck freight.

TRF could do a bit to alleviate the surprise of shipping large body
parts if they put notes in their catalogues on oversize items, like Moss
does (Moss sends TRF fenders via freight carrier and in huge boxes as


Kai M. Radicke
Wishbone Classics

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Himelfarb" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 16:55 PM
Subject: TRF's Expensive Shipping

> Anyone in the Buffalo area going to be near the Roadster Factory in 
> the next week?  I'm buying a fender and they want to ship it in an 
> 8-foot long box which more than doubles the UPS charges.  I'm 
> completely pissed that a $40 USD shipping charge is being turned into 
> an $85 USD charge because they won't put it in a bicycle box like 
> everyone else!  There's a case of cold Canadian beer in it for anyone 
> who's already going that way...
> Mike Himelfarb

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