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TRF's Expensive Shipping

Subject: TRF's Expensive Shipping
From: Mike Himelfarb <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 16:55:45 -0500
Thread-index: AcQR6sKWKfHaGpwqT0Cd7IObCqq1TQ==
Thread-topic: TRF's Expensive Shipping
Anyone in the Buffalo area going to be near the Roadster Factory in the
next week?  I'm buying a fender and they want to ship it in an 8-foot
long box which more than doubles the UPS charges.  I'm completely pissed
that a $40 USD shipping charge is being turned into an $85 USD charge
because they won't put it in a bicycle box like everyone else!  There's
a case of cold Canadian beer in it for anyone who's already going that
Mike Himelfarb
Director, Production Services Quality
Information Technology Department
Shoppers Drug Mart
(416) 490-2754

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