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TR-6 Drive(PROP)Shaft

To: <>
Subject: TR-6 Drive(PROP)Shaft
From: "Mark Meany" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 22:53:47 -0500
Cc: "TriumphTeam" <>
"I'm into restoring my driveshaft. Thank-you all for all the great replys on
my u-joint questions. In taking the splined end off in preparation for
sandblasting and painting, I noticed a cork washer, pretty well
deteriorated, and cracked, as well as a metal washer, split to get around
the shaft, and the threaded end cap which holds both the cork and metal
washer. No reference sources has a part number for these. Any words of
advice for getting replacments or making them myself."

Dennis - When I rebuilt mine last year, I was able to save the split metal
washer & the threaded end cap, which is a good thing, 'cause I couldn't find
'em anywhere. The cork washer is split, intentionally, to allow it to slip
over the larger diameter, splined end & get to the area where it performs
its wiping action. To replace it, I used a double O-ring seal, sometimes
called a Quad seal (available thry McMaster Carr), that had the capability
of being stretched over the splined end. Don't be tempted to get one that
fits too snuggly on the portion of the shaft beyond the splined end, tho'.
When the threaded end cap is tightened, that seal will squash, effectively
losing some of its ID. You still want it to freely slide/wipe along the
shaft beyond the splined end.

Mark Meany
TR4A CTC62486 O
Keene, NH (Digest)

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