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RE: Carburator Rebuilds--TR3A

To: <>
Subject: RE: Carburator Rebuilds--TR3A
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 14:17:12 -0800
> The tricky part, as I recall from long ago on the MGB, is
> centering the jets
> and setting the floats, then presetting the mixture close enough
> to start the
> car.  (The rebushing of the throttle shafts would have to be farmed out.)
> On a 1 to 5 scale of the wrench meter, how difficult are these
> carbs for the amateur,

I'd rate them 2, maybe 3 wrenches (since you're not talking about rebushing
the throttle shaft).  Presetting the mixture isn't all that critical, since
you should start the engine on the choke anyway (which defeats the mixture
setting).  Centering the jets is very important, however there is a simple
test to see if you've got it right, so even trial and error works pretty


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