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Re: Too Lean TR6?

To: "TR" <>
Subject: Re: Too Lean TR6?
From: "David Hammond" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:02:40 -0800
References: <15E02CBD76163D4C9D77A42919354D69FDD69B@APPMSG4.AERO.BALL.COM>

  I had a similar problem in my 63 TR4 in that it would run fine until it
was under a load.  It would even run good most of the time if it was a nice
flat road, but the slightest load and I thought my ngine may explode.
Replaced electronic ignition with new points, rotor, etc..., tried switching
coil, replaced plugs and wires, checked gap on plugs and spark, mixture,
timing, .... everything.  I rebuilt the carburetor because it desperately
needed it, but that wasn't the magic trick.  What was it?  Some @#$^^%$ tiny
speck of somehting in the float bowl.  That was one of the first things I
looked for, the gross jets good, fuel clean and full, float set correct.
JUst one tiny speck of dirt that would only get sucked up far enough when
under load to choke off my front carb!!  Felt stupid, but darned if I didn't
look several times at it without finding it.  Had someone else figure out
after I gave up.

  David R. Hammond
  63 TR4 CT 17780L
  68 TR250 CD 185L

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