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RE: manifold nuts to general nuts

To: "'Gene'" <>, "'Randall Young'" <>, "'triumph listserv'" <>
Subject: RE: manifold nuts to general nuts
From: "Hugh Barber" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 18:26:38 -0800
Organization: Vintage Preparation Services i292XL8A022032

You must have quite an Ace Hardware where you live!! :^)  Seriously, there
are items that you just cannot get at ACE Hardware.  I have never known
McMaster to have a minimum order (in fact, this morning I purchased   some
shims from them - I think the total was about $5.00 before shipping).  On
the website, they list minimum quantities (depends on item), if you call
them, they will sometimes sell you less.  If you want to buy "onesie-twosie"
quantities of fasteners, Aircraft Spruce is good for Aircraft grade bolts
( and Bolt Depot is good for Grade 5 and
Grade 8 stuff (  If you want Stainless Steel
stuff, MSC Fasteners is a good source (
I personally don't mind buying a box of Grade 8 nylocks or washers - I know
that eventually I'll use them and generally I always seem to need one at 8
PM on a Sunday night (when Ace is closed).

Hugh Barber
Hollister, CA (we have an Ace AND a Tru-Value!!)
'73 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: Gene [] 
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 10:24 AM
To: 'Hugh Barber'; 'Randall Young'; 'triumph listserv'
Subject: RE: manifold nuts to general nuts

Hugh, Randall, List,

McMaster-Carr is a great place, but they have minimum purchases, and Ace is
around the corner.

Gene Glenn

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