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Re: Petrol injection pix

To: <>
Subject: Re: Petrol injection pix
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 22:34:29 -0000
References: <>
Steve Smith wrote:
> One has to wonder when these snipes and digs at the
> poor carbureted amongst us will cease.  Those poor
> souls, they were so kind to purchase 85% of the cars
> we built and to keep some in dry desert conditions for
> us to bring home after ours had long rusted. Good
> thinking fitting them with carbs too, for in temps
> above ours the PI is crap and the cars would now be
> long disposed of by the fools across the pond.
> Including Lucas electronics to keep the mileage low
> was a stoke of genius.

May I just say that since joining this list seven (?) years ago, I have
never intentionally sought to 'snipe' or 'dig' at anyone. Hopefully, those
listers I have been fortunate to meet face to face this far will confirm
that I am not that way inclined? My offer was merely from one enthusiast to
others to make available a photograph or two (and only for those who were
interested) of a component that was nothing more than a variation on an
equipment theme. As a number of people *graciously* accepted the offer in
the spirit in which it was made, I can only conclude the offer was of some
passing value to them - if not to Mr. Smith.
I apologise unreservedly if my post was construed by others to be abrasive,
as it was by Mr. Smith - but yet again this is perhaps a case of global
enthusiasts united by an uncommon language?

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