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Re: Choke

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Choke
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 13:36:17 -0800
References: <>
Subject: Choke

> I was planning to take my TR3 into the body shop on Sunday for the final
> portion of the paint work, but the painter has delayed me about a week.  I
> WAIT !  The reason for my E-Mail was to ask about the Choke.  I'm in the
> process of hooking up the cable now.  It seems to me that it is going to
be really
> hard to pull.  Have I done something wrong?  Is the TR3 choke hard to
> Also, I had a question about two 5/16 X 3 inch springs I found in my door
> hardware can of parts.  Does anyone know if the doors require springs for
> latch?  If they do, I don't know where they go.   You are ALWAYS a big
> THANKS, Kent Shrack

My choke was impossible to pull out when I first redid my carbs. Now it's
just hard. Are you using a new cable? If so, is it cut to the right length
and taking the straightest possible path to the carbs?.  Try disconnecting
it and then testing the ease of moving the cable in and out. If it doesn't
move freely, that's probably where most of the problem is. (If you have to
cut it, don't forget to remove the inner cable before cutting the outer
cable :-))

If that checks out ok, then check the operation of the jet inside the
assembly.  If you overtighten the sealing nut, it seems to bind on the jet.
Of course, if you don't tighten it enough, it will leak.  Also, if you used
cork o-rings, make sure they are good and saturated with oil. Let them soak
overnight, if you aren't too impatient. If you used "rubber" o-rings, coat
themlightly with some grease, not enough to get into the holes in the jet.

Lastly, Fred Thomas sent me a very nice diagram that illustrates the proper
method of connecting the jet assembly connecting rod at the front carb. The
lever goes on the engine side of the fork, not between it. I didn't find
that changing to that configuration helped noticably, but it may keep things
aligned better. I can scan and forward that picture if you like.

I think there are springs inside the door latch assemblies, I can't remember
if there were any others in side the doors of my car.  There are none shown
in the Moss catalog.

Hope this helps,

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