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Re: tool for machining a part

Subject: Re: tool for machining a part
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 15:16:58 EST
In a message dated 3/1/04 12:24:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Problem with using an end mill is that you have to hold it centered on the
 hole.  Extra setup, and it's tough to do on a drill press, virtually
 impossible by hand.

Not at all difficult, even by hand.  

If we have a 5 / 16 thread bolt with a regular allen/phillips or slotted head 
that needs to be below the surface and the part we are drilling does not need 
threaded, do the following:

Drill a 21/64 hole( 1 size above 5/16 ) all the way through the part

Drill a hole a size or two larger than the head of the bolt, drill until the 
head of the bolt is almost below the surface.

Use a end mill equal to or slightly smaller than the drill above.  Continue 
with the end mill to clean the bottom of the hole up.  The hole from step 2 
holds the end mill from walking.  Drill until the head is just below the 

The only additional setup is changing the bits in the drill.  In small 
numbers this isn't a factor.  If we were making many parts a core drill would 
be the 
answer.  ( this is a stepped drill that makes a pilot hole and a counterbore 
in one shot)

Another alternative is to drill a 21/64 hole and use a countersunk bolt.  
Step 2 would be used but we would drill until the countersunk screw is below 


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