I've got several welders;
An oxyacetylene unit [mainly for loosening stuck nuts and bolts
- I haven't used it for welding in years]
An 150 Amp MIG welder that takes 0.6 or 0.8 mm wire
An 180 Amp DC TIG welder [with the option of using it as an arc
stick welder of max 3mm diameter sticks, if I detach the TIG cable/
hose and fit the extra stick welding handle/cable + reverse the
earth polarity]
A small stick welder I inherited from a neighbour moving to age care
- and _never_ use...
Both of the serious electric welders are operated off of a 16A 380V
three-phase outlet - and I have never had a problem with the power
feed. They are both operated with pure Argon as shielding gas,
mainly for ease of storage and cost reasons. They share the same
gas bottle as I find it cheaper, much cheaper, that way. And I
occasionally TIG some stainless material - mandating Argon before
CO2 or mixes...
I must say that my favourite machine is the TIG - it's possible to
create the most gorgeous welds with a TIG welder. That said I would
recommend the beginner to start welding with a quality MIG welder.
Start practising with thicker material [about 2-3mm] and go thinner
as you learn the skills. But; If you can muster the money - buy a
TIG welder like mine with the arc stick welding option. It's ac-
tually two welders in one. Slightly more expensive, but you save
on storage space, for instance... And...
_Never_ buy a single phase machine! Get yourself three phase power
long before you start thinking Welders...
Randall Young wrote:
> My plan is a 'stick' welder (flux coated electrode, no shielding
> gas) for heavy welds like frames, and a MIG for sheet metal and
> aluminum. Well, someday anyway.
> Randall
Don Malling wrote:
> What size MIG to you have and how thick is the heavy metal you
> weld with it? I plan to get a MIG, but can't decide whether I
> should get a big MIG vs. a small MIG and a stick welder.
Odd Hedberg
Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary, TR8-rep.,
SE-74236 Vsthammar Registerverdare, MHRF-ansvarig mm mm
Sweden Triumph Club of Sweden
'70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
'80 TR8 DHC EFi TPZDV8AT211468 Midas Gold
Club URL:
Home Phone/Fax/Mobile: Int+ 46-17317131 / 46-17318131 / 46-706917131
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